Ministry & Committee Descriptions
Finance Committee
The role of the Parish Finance Committee is to help the pastor in overseeing the finances of the parish. The committee is a consultative body of parishioners with financial expertise. Their function is the administration of all property of the parish, to prepare and present an annual budget to the parish and to examine the operating cost of the parish. The Finance Committee was formed as an advisory committee to advise the parish priest in regards to all parish financial affairs. Their expertise is called on to help Father as he makes financial decisions for the parish. The Finance Committee Chairperson is Chuck Gartner.
Maintenance Committee
The Maintenance Committee was formed as an advisory committee to plan and set direction of future repairs and maintenance needed to the building and the property. Their expertise is called upon to obtain quotes and contract those companies required for any building or renovation projects.
Parish Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body that the Pastor can prayerfully reflect with. It provides leadership, direction and encouragement for the apostolic and spiritual development of all parishioners. The Parish Pastoral Council members represent and act as liaison between the groups and the Parish Council.
Finance Committee
The role of the Parish Finance Committee is to help the pastor in overseeing the finances of the parish. The committee is a consultative body of parishioners with financial expertise. Their function is the administration of all property of the parish, to prepare and present an annual budget to the parish and to examine the operating cost of the parish. The Finance Committee was formed as an advisory committee to advise the parish priest in regards to all parish financial affairs. Their expertise is called on to help Father as he makes financial decisions for the parish. The Finance Committee Chairperson is Chuck Gartner.
Maintenance Committee
The Maintenance Committee was formed as an advisory committee to plan and set direction of future repairs and maintenance needed to the building and the property. Their expertise is called upon to obtain quotes and contract those companies required for any building or renovation projects.
Parish Council
The Parish Pastoral Council is a consultative body that the Pastor can prayerfully reflect with. It provides leadership, direction and encouragement for the apostolic and spiritual development of all parishioners. The Parish Pastoral Council members represent and act as liaison between the groups and the Parish Council.
Catholic Women’s League
The Catholic Women's league is a faith centered organization for all women 16 years of age or older, which focuses on spiritual development, increasing our knowledge of the Catholic faith, and social issues which are translated into action. We invite all women of the Parish to add their voices to this National Catholic group, regardless of the time they can commit.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal benefit society that was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled, and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief, and public relief works.
Couples for Christ
Couples for Christ (CFC) is a Catholic movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life.
CFC couples have committed themselves to the Lord and to one another so that they may grow in maturity as men and women of God and fulfill their primary vocation of raising families grounded in Christian values, in the service and love of God.
Catholic Women’s League
The Catholic Women's league is a faith centered organization for all women 16 years of age or older, which focuses on spiritual development, increasing our knowledge of the Catholic faith, and social issues which are translated into action. We invite all women of the Parish to add their voices to this National Catholic group, regardless of the time they can commit.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men’s fraternal benefit society that was formed to render financial aid to members and their families. Mutual aid and assistance are offered to sick, disabled, and needy members and their families. Social and intellectual fellowship is promoted among members and their families through educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief, and public relief works.
Couples for Christ
Couples for Christ (CFC) is a Catholic movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life.
CFC couples have committed themselves to the Lord and to one another so that they may grow in maturity as men and women of God and fulfill their primary vocation of raising families grounded in Christian values, in the service and love of God.
Bible Study/Small Christian Community Groups
Men of the Narrow Gate
Men of the Narrow Gate is a men’s group that meets monthly for discussion, fellowship and prayer on the Catholic Faith. For More information please contact Brent Gebhardt at [email protected]
Faith Study Group - Women
Our faith study group is women who meet weekly on Tuesdays from 9:15 a.m-11:00 am to share reflections on a chosen topic of faith. We use Catholic resources for our studies. Some topics that have previously been studied are: the Mass, Mary our Mother, the Catechism and Bible in A Year, Women in the Old Testament … We meet September to early December and resume again early January, and meet until early June. Eileen Cavanagh is the contact person for this group ([email protected])
Men of the Narrow Gate
Men of the Narrow Gate is a men’s group that meets monthly for discussion, fellowship and prayer on the Catholic Faith. For More information please contact Brent Gebhardt at [email protected]
Faith Study Group - Women
Our faith study group is women who meet weekly on Tuesdays from 9:15 a.m-11:00 am to share reflections on a chosen topic of faith. We use Catholic resources for our studies. Some topics that have previously been studied are: the Mass, Mary our Mother, the Catechism and Bible in A Year, Women in the Old Testament … We meet September to early December and resume again early January, and meet until early June. Eileen Cavanagh is the contact person for this group ([email protected])
Children's Education
Sunday School
We welcome grades 1-7 children attending public schools and all interested families to participate in catechism lessons between 9:00 and 11:00 Sunday Mass. Lessons are about 50 min. and take place September to the first Sunday of May. Our program, Christ Our Life, provides solid faith background. There are student workbooks and excellent teaching manuals for our volunteers. We are very grateful to and rely on parental volunteers and volunteers from our parish family who make this program possible.
Children’s Liturgy
Children’s Liturgy is a volunteer program, which prepares the Sunday’s reading for Pre-Sacramental children (ages 3 to Grade 2) with crafts, prayers and stories. Once Father kisses the altar, the children are to come forward put their coins in the basket at the front of the altar to support our foster child. The priest then blesses the children, and they go forth to learn about Jesus and return to the congregation during collection. Registration forms are on the bulletin board by the coat racks. This children’s program runs yearly from fall – spring.
Sunday School
We welcome grades 1-7 children attending public schools and all interested families to participate in catechism lessons between 9:00 and 11:00 Sunday Mass. Lessons are about 50 min. and take place September to the first Sunday of May. Our program, Christ Our Life, provides solid faith background. There are student workbooks and excellent teaching manuals for our volunteers. We are very grateful to and rely on parental volunteers and volunteers from our parish family who make this program possible.
Children’s Liturgy
Children’s Liturgy is a volunteer program, which prepares the Sunday’s reading for Pre-Sacramental children (ages 3 to Grade 2) with crafts, prayers and stories. Once Father kisses the altar, the children are to come forward put their coins in the basket at the front of the altar to support our foster child. The priest then blesses the children, and they go forth to learn about Jesus and return to the congregation during collection. Registration forms are on the bulletin board by the coat racks. This children’s program runs yearly from fall – spring.
Your Parish Library offers a developing collection of faith-based book and video resources a) for children, youth, and adults b) for a variety of spiritual interests, educational needs, and personal tastes, and c) for assorted parish programs. We serve so all might grow. Volunteers choose their own level of service with options including 1) casual once-a-month help with sign-outs and returns before/after mass, or 2) free-time cataloguing and organizing, or 3) active committee participation in assessing parish needs and developing library request lists, or 4) any combination of the above options.
Your Parish Library offers a developing collection of faith-based book and video resources a) for children, youth, and adults b) for a variety of spiritual interests, educational needs, and personal tastes, and c) for assorted parish programs. We serve so all might grow. Volunteers choose their own level of service with options including 1) casual once-a-month help with sign-outs and returns before/after mass, or 2) free-time cataloguing and organizing, or 3) active committee participation in assessing parish needs and developing library request lists, or 4) any combination of the above options.
Hospitality & Community Life
Coffee Hospitality
These families make juice and coffee for parishioners to enjoy after Mass encouraging social interaction. To volunteer contact [email protected] or Call the Parish Office.
Greeting Hospitality
Greeting is the service of families who welcome parishioners at the door with a smile and a handshake. To volunteer contact [email protected] or Call the Parish Office.
Prayer Chain
A group of about 40 people who are committed to pray, at anytime, for specific prayer requests as they are received by phone. They receive prayers and then pass the prayer request, ensuring it is done in a brief and confidential manner, to the next member on the phone list.
Coffee Hospitality
These families make juice and coffee for parishioners to enjoy after Mass encouraging social interaction. To volunteer contact [email protected] or Call the Parish Office.
Greeting Hospitality
Greeting is the service of families who welcome parishioners at the door with a smile and a handshake. To volunteer contact [email protected] or Call the Parish Office.
Prayer Chain
A group of about 40 people who are committed to pray, at anytime, for specific prayer requests as they are received by phone. They receive prayers and then pass the prayer request, ensuring it is done in a brief and confidential manner, to the next member on the phone list.
Liturgy & Pastoral Services
Liturgy Committee
This committee is made up of representatives from committees within the parish to assist the pastor in making our liturgies more meaningful for the people of our parish. Determining the areas of need for the liturgical seasons are one of the main concerns dealt with by the committee.
Adult Servers
An Adult Server helps to perform an Acolyte's ministry when an Acolyte is not available (the office of Acolyte is the highest of the minor orders and is conferred in the final preparation for ordination to the diaconate) The adult server sets up and prepares for Mass. They prepare the hosts, wine, water and sacred vessels used during the celebration. They process in with the altar servers and lectors. They set up the altar for the Liturgy of Eucharist in the absence of a Deacon and distribute Holy Communion when required. After Mass, they clean all the vessels once they have been purified by the ordained clergy (Deacon or Priest). Adult servers must be appointed by the Pastor and attend a training workshop.
Communion Ministers
Communion Ministers distribute the Blood of Christ. (Ordained clergy s.a. Priests and Deacons are "Ordinary Ministers" of the Eucharist and of the Cup, other Communion Ministers are known as "Extra-ordinary Ministers" of the Eucharist and the Cup serve whenever there are not enough Ordinary ministers available ie. When a Deacon is available, he will be one of the ministers of the cup, one less extra-ordinary minister is required when there is a visiting Priest etc.). It is important that Communion Ministers handle the Blessed Sacrament with an intense awareness of the Real Presence of our Lord, and that their manner and attire reflect a reverence for the ministry they are performing. Ministers of Holy Communion are appointed by the Pastor.
Altar Servers
An altar server must be in grade 3 and over and must have received first communion and reconciliation. The duty of an altar server is to help assist the priest up on the altar when celebrating Mass. The purpose of this ministry is to help the servers to fully appreciate the mystery of the mass and to help deepen their love for their church. Regular social activities and out reach projects are held throughout the year for the altar servers to have fun and to help build fellowship with each other. Click HERE to view the manual for Altar Servers in Ordinary time.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God or read the announcements or prayers of intercession at Mass every 4th or 5th Sunday. Lectors need to be prepared to proclaim by pre-reading and praying the readings of the week.
Liturgy Committee
This committee is made up of representatives from committees within the parish to assist the pastor in making our liturgies more meaningful for the people of our parish. Determining the areas of need for the liturgical seasons are one of the main concerns dealt with by the committee.
Adult Servers
An Adult Server helps to perform an Acolyte's ministry when an Acolyte is not available (the office of Acolyte is the highest of the minor orders and is conferred in the final preparation for ordination to the diaconate) The adult server sets up and prepares for Mass. They prepare the hosts, wine, water and sacred vessels used during the celebration. They process in with the altar servers and lectors. They set up the altar for the Liturgy of Eucharist in the absence of a Deacon and distribute Holy Communion when required. After Mass, they clean all the vessels once they have been purified by the ordained clergy (Deacon or Priest). Adult servers must be appointed by the Pastor and attend a training workshop.
Communion Ministers
Communion Ministers distribute the Blood of Christ. (Ordained clergy s.a. Priests and Deacons are "Ordinary Ministers" of the Eucharist and of the Cup, other Communion Ministers are known as "Extra-ordinary Ministers" of the Eucharist and the Cup serve whenever there are not enough Ordinary ministers available ie. When a Deacon is available, he will be one of the ministers of the cup, one less extra-ordinary minister is required when there is a visiting Priest etc.). It is important that Communion Ministers handle the Blessed Sacrament with an intense awareness of the Real Presence of our Lord, and that their manner and attire reflect a reverence for the ministry they are performing. Ministers of Holy Communion are appointed by the Pastor.
Altar Servers
An altar server must be in grade 3 and over and must have received first communion and reconciliation. The duty of an altar server is to help assist the priest up on the altar when celebrating Mass. The purpose of this ministry is to help the servers to fully appreciate the mystery of the mass and to help deepen their love for their church. Regular social activities and out reach projects are held throughout the year for the altar servers to have fun and to help build fellowship with each other. Click HERE to view the manual for Altar Servers in Ordinary time.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God or read the announcements or prayers of intercession at Mass every 4th or 5th Sunday. Lectors need to be prepared to proclaim by pre-reading and praying the readings of the week.
Arts and Environment Committee
The Arts and Environment Committee takes care of the beauty of the church. They follow the Liturgical Calendar and decorate the church and worship area accordingly for Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent, Easter and the Special Feast Days. Volunteers are always needed! The contact for this ministry is Deb Ferguson.
The Arts and Environment Committee takes care of the beauty of the church. They follow the Liturgical Calendar and decorate the church and worship area accordingly for Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent, Easter and the Special Feast Days. Volunteers are always needed! The contact for this ministry is Deb Ferguson.
Music Ministry
Music ministry is a dynamic ever-changing ministry. The goal of church choirs is to lead the community in song. The St. Anthony’s parish hymnals represent effort made by musicians within the parish to include, within our worship, some of the most cherished and contemporary liturgical songs. We sing/play at regular Sunday Masses throughout the year as well as special prayer services (i.e.: Stations of the Cross, Good Friday Service, Confirmation Masses, and of course the Easter and Christmas Seasonal Services). We are always looking for new voices in any of our present choirs. We would like to invite anyone who can accompany singers to start another choir to help us cover all of the regular Masses throughout the year (keyboard player/guitarist, etc.)
Remember, St. Augustine said “those who sing, pray twice” so let’s hear you sing at Mass.
For more information contact Melanie at [email protected] or call the Parish Office.
We are quite excited to start our Children's Choir. This ministry is open for children ages 8 and up. For more information, contact the Parish office.
Music ministry is a dynamic ever-changing ministry. The goal of church choirs is to lead the community in song. The St. Anthony’s parish hymnals represent effort made by musicians within the parish to include, within our worship, some of the most cherished and contemporary liturgical songs. We sing/play at regular Sunday Masses throughout the year as well as special prayer services (i.e.: Stations of the Cross, Good Friday Service, Confirmation Masses, and of course the Easter and Christmas Seasonal Services). We are always looking for new voices in any of our present choirs. We would like to invite anyone who can accompany singers to start another choir to help us cover all of the regular Masses throughout the year (keyboard player/guitarist, etc.)
Remember, St. Augustine said “those who sing, pray twice” so let’s hear you sing at Mass.
For more information contact Melanie at [email protected] or call the Parish Office.
We are quite excited to start our Children's Choir. This ministry is open for children ages 8 and up. For more information, contact the Parish office.
Soup Kitchen
The Soup Kitchen is run in conjunction with St. John’s Anglican Church. It is every Tuesday and Thursday for the months of October until June. Our parish's commitment is Thursday’s from 9:30 a.m. till 1:00 p.m. We are basically there to provide a hot meal for low-income families and those people who live out on the streets. We need more volunteers to run this program again.
5loaves2fish - Food Initiative
A group of parishioners committed to finding ways to meet the needs of the poorest of the poor in our parish. Helping with food to feed the hungry is our prime focus; yet, the group strives to find ways to meet other needs of those less fortunate when they arise. All are welcome to volunteer in this most basic of service to others in our midst.
The Olive Tree
A group of parishioners volunteer at the local non-profit soup kitchen called The Olive Tree on Wednesdays nights. If you are interested in learning more about volunteering with this ministry please email [email protected] . We need more volunteers to run this ministry again.
Soup Kitchen
The Soup Kitchen is run in conjunction with St. John’s Anglican Church. It is every Tuesday and Thursday for the months of October until June. Our parish's commitment is Thursday’s from 9:30 a.m. till 1:00 p.m. We are basically there to provide a hot meal for low-income families and those people who live out on the streets. We need more volunteers to run this program again.
5loaves2fish - Food Initiative
A group of parishioners committed to finding ways to meet the needs of the poorest of the poor in our parish. Helping with food to feed the hungry is our prime focus; yet, the group strives to find ways to meet other needs of those less fortunate when they arise. All are welcome to volunteer in this most basic of service to others in our midst.
The Olive Tree
A group of parishioners volunteer at the local non-profit soup kitchen called The Olive Tree on Wednesdays nights. If you are interested in learning more about volunteering with this ministry please email [email protected] . We need more volunteers to run this ministry again.
Pastoral Care
Ministry/Communion to the sick
This is a group of volunteers who donate their time to bring communion to those who are unable to take their rightful and accustomed place with the community at the Lord’s table due to sickness, advanced age, or terminal illness. This is a ministry of love to the sick with prayer, personal visits, and words of comfort and encouragement. Ministers to the sick must be appointed by the Pastor.
Courtesy Drivers
Rides are available to and from mass on the weekends. Please see the list of drivers in the bulletin. This ministry is currently in need of volunteers.
Ministry/Communion to the sick
This is a group of volunteers who donate their time to bring communion to those who are unable to take their rightful and accustomed place with the community at the Lord’s table due to sickness, advanced age, or terminal illness. This is a ministry of love to the sick with prayer, personal visits, and words of comfort and encouragement. Ministers to the sick must be appointed by the Pastor.
Courtesy Drivers
Rides are available to and from mass on the weekends. Please see the list of drivers in the bulletin. This ministry is currently in need of volunteers.
Social Activities
Fall Supper
An annual fundraiser and community event at St. Anthony’s Parish. This is an evening of food and fellowship. Funds go to pay for our Hall Addition.
Fair Booth
Annual fundraiser for the parish that is conducted at the exhibition grounds during Lloydminster’s fair week, which is usually the first part of July. Proceeds are used for various projects. The contact for this ministry is John Carr at [email protected]
Fall Supper
An annual fundraiser and community event at St. Anthony’s Parish. This is an evening of food and fellowship. Funds go to pay for our Hall Addition.
Fair Booth
Annual fundraiser for the parish that is conducted at the exhibition grounds during Lloydminster’s fair week, which is usually the first part of July. Proceeds are used for various projects. The contact for this ministry is John Carr at [email protected]
Youth & Young Adults
World Youth Day
World Youth Day is a celebration of the Catholic faith for the youth of the world. The WYD celebration takes place every three years in a host country. St Anthony’s parish has organized four pilgrimages to WYD (Toronto 2002, Germany 2005, Australia 2008 & Poland 2016). Call the Parish Office for more information
Summer Camp (Day Camp)
St. Anthony's Community Camp is a faith based, fun-filled camp for the young people of our parish and surrounding communities. We are also proud to be developing leadership skills by encouraging the teenagers of our parish and community to become counsellors! We could not operate without the help of our many volunteers! Many thanks also to our Knights of Columbus for their support! The contact for this ministry is Marylie Svendsen at [email protected]
Vacation Bible School
St. Anthony’s Vacation Bible School for children ages 4 to 11 and is held during the summer months. This is an opportunity for our children to learn more about God and enjoy being part of our parish family. The program consists of bible stories, singing, crafts and games. If you have summer visitors, perhaps grandchildren, they are welcome to attend. For more information contact us at [email protected] or call the Parish Office.
Boys of the Narrow Gate
Conquest is a group for boys between the ages 7&12. They focus on developing virtue and active participation in a fun faith-filled environment. Through games, sports and faith activities , father & sons have the opportunity to have fun and build friendships. Held at St Josephs School. For more information please contact Brent Gebhardt at [email protected]
Junior & Senior Youth Groups
Youth for Christ
World Youth Day
World Youth Day is a celebration of the Catholic faith for the youth of the world. The WYD celebration takes place every three years in a host country. St Anthony’s parish has organized four pilgrimages to WYD (Toronto 2002, Germany 2005, Australia 2008 & Poland 2016). Call the Parish Office for more information
Summer Camp (Day Camp)
St. Anthony's Community Camp is a faith based, fun-filled camp for the young people of our parish and surrounding communities. We are also proud to be developing leadership skills by encouraging the teenagers of our parish and community to become counsellors! We could not operate without the help of our many volunteers! Many thanks also to our Knights of Columbus for their support! The contact for this ministry is Marylie Svendsen at [email protected]
Vacation Bible School
St. Anthony’s Vacation Bible School for children ages 4 to 11 and is held during the summer months. This is an opportunity for our children to learn more about God and enjoy being part of our parish family. The program consists of bible stories, singing, crafts and games. If you have summer visitors, perhaps grandchildren, they are welcome to attend. For more information contact us at [email protected] or call the Parish Office.
Boys of the Narrow Gate
Conquest is a group for boys between the ages 7&12. They focus on developing virtue and active participation in a fun faith-filled environment. Through games, sports and faith activities , father & sons have the opportunity to have fun and build friendships. Held at St Josephs School. For more information please contact Brent Gebhardt at [email protected]
Junior & Senior Youth Groups
Youth for Christ