Liturgy Committee This committee is made up of representatives from committees within the parish to assist the pastor in making our liturgies more meaningful for the people of our parish. Determining the areas of need for the liturgical seasons are one of the main concerns dealt with by the committee.
Adult Servers An Adult Server helps to perform an Acolyte's ministry when an Acolyte is not available (the office of Acolyte is the highest of the minor orders and is conferred in the final preparation for ordination to the diaconate) The adult server sets up and prepares for Mass. They prepare the hosts, wine, water and sacred vessels used during the celebration. They process in with the altar servers and lectors. They set up the altar for the Liturgy of Eucharist in the absence of a Deacon and distribute Holy Communion when required. After Mass, they clean all the vessels once they have been purified by the ordained clergy (Deacon or Priest). Adult servers must be appointed by the Pastor and attend a training workshop.
Communion Ministers Communion Ministers distribute the Blood of Christ. (Ordained clergy s.a. Priests and Deacons are "Ordinary Ministers" of the Eucharist and of the Cup, other Communion Ministers are known as "Extra-ordinary Ministers" of the Eucharist and the Cup serve whenever there are not enough Ordinary ministers available ie. When a Deacon is available, he will be one of the ministers of the cup, one less extra-ordinary minister is required when there is a visiting Priest etc.). It is important that Communion Ministers handle the Blessed Sacrament with an intense awareness of the Real Presence of our Lord, and that their manner and attire reflect a reverence for the ministry they are performing. Ministers of Holy Communion are appointed by the Pastor.
Altar Servers An altar server must be in grade 3 and over and must have received first communion and reconciliation. The duty of an altar server is to help assist the priest up on the altar when celebrating Mass. The purpose of this ministry is to help the servers to fully appreciate the mystery of the mass and to help deepen their love for their church. Regular social activities and out reach projects are held throughout the year for the altar servers to have fun and to help build fellowship with each other.
Lectors Lectors proclaim the Word of God or read the announcements or prayers of intercession at Mass every 4th or 5th Sunday. Lectors need to be prepared to proclaim by pre-reading and praying the readings of the week.